석사 과정 김유나, 박사 과정 김은혜, 박유진 학생이 SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting (Seville, Spain) 학회에 참석하여 포스터 발표를 수행하였습니다.
*포스터 제목
– 김유나: Study on the Underlying Toxicological Mechanisms of Chemicals Inducing Glucose Homeostasis Alterations Using Zebrafish (Danio Rerio)
– 김은혜: Sex hormone disruption potentials of several biodegradable plastics of human use in H295R cell lines
– 박유진: Understanding Impact of BEMT on Larval Zebrafish: Neurodevelopmental Disruption, Transcriptome Profiling and Implications for Early Life Development