


2018 SETAC AP Deagu

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일18-09-21 15:52 조회439회 댓글0건


개최 장소: 대구 EXCO
개 최 일: 2018년 9월 16일(일) ~ 9월 19일(수)
주관기관: SETAC AP
발표 제목: Endocrine disruption potency of long chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acid and related mechanism in three cell lines
저자: Ji hyun Kim, Gowoon Lee, Kyungho choi
발표 제목: Rapid toxicity screening tests for inustrial waste waters employing fresh water aquatic organism- A mini-review

저자: Areum Jo, Suhyun Kim, Hyesoo Shin, Md Nurul Huda Bhuiyan, Kyungho choi

발표 제목 Rapid screening for ecotoxicity of pharmaceutical waste waters and its utility

저자: Inhye Lee, Areum Jo, Jiwon choi, Teakyoung Kim, Moonkyoung Kim, Kyung-Duk Zoh, Kyungho choi


발표 제목: Endocrine disruption by several aniline derivarates and its related mechanisms in H295R cell line and zebrafish

저자: Md Nurul Huda Bhuiyan, Habyeong Kang, Ji Hyun Kim, Kyung ho Choi


발표 제목: Urinary phthalate metabolites among children in Saudi Arabia: sources, risks, and their association with oxidation stress markers

저자: Inae Lee, Raid Alakeel, Sungmin Kim, Yazzed A. Al- Sheikh, Hazem Al-Mandeel, Abdullah A. Alyousel, Younglim, Kyung ho Choi



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