


한국환경보건학회 2015년 가을학술대회

페이지 정보

작성자 환경독성학 작성일15-11-02 12:35 조회566회 댓글0건


개최 장소: 대구가톨릭대학교
개 최 일: 2015.10.29-30
주관기관: ()한국환경보건학회
발표 논문: Endocrine disruoting toxicity of OPFRs and environmental health implications
Xiaoshan Liu, Hyo-Bang Moon, Kyunghee Ji, Kyungho Choi
발표 논문: Overview on toxic mechanisms of oil-derived pollutants
Dawoon Jung, Jongseong Khim, Un Hyuk Yim, Won Joon Shim, Kyungho Choi
발표 논문: Endocrine disrupting effects and risk assessment of pharmaceutical residues in a swine concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) of Korea
Bokyung Kim, Cheolmin Kim, Habyeong Kang, Sangwoo Lee, Bareum Kwon, Younlim Kho, Kyungho Choi, Kyunghee Ji
발표 논문: Endocrine disrupting potential of crude oil related PAHs and their alkylated analogues
Sangwoo Lee, Seongjin Hong, Xiaoshan Liu, Cheolmin Kim, Kiwon Noh, Dawoon Jung, Un Hyuk Yim, Won Joon Shim, Jong Seong Khim, John P. Giesy, Kyungho Choi
- 우수논문상
발표 논문: Effects of water-accommodated fraction (WAF) of crude oil on thyroid system in developing zebrafish
Sujin Kim, Ju Hae Sohn, Dawoon Jung, Jong Seong Khim, Un Hyuk Yim, Kyungho Choi
발표 논문: Screening adverse effects of oil contaminated sediments using E. coli live cell array reporter system
Dawoon Jung, Hyesoo Shin, Miao Guan, Sangwoo Lee, Cheolmin Kim, Seongjin Hong, Un Hyuk Yim, Won Joon Shim, Jongseong Khim, Xiaowei Zhang, Kyungho Choi
발표 논문: Reproduction and endocrine related effects of life-cycle exposure to Ethlhexyl methoxycinnamate, a sunscreen agent, in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes)
Inae Lee, Jy Eun Lee, Kyungho Choi
발표 논문: Association between Phthalates Exposure and Thyroid Hormone Levels in Pregnanat Women - CHECK Cohort Study
Sunmi Kim, Jeongim Park, Hyo-Bang Moon, Sungkyoon Kim, Kyungho Choi
발표 논문: Association of Lead in Umbilical Cord Blood with Increase of Body Mass Index among Newborns Followed-up until 27 Months of Age
Jin Hee Kim, Yelim Park, Sung Koo Kim, Hyo-Bang Moon, Jeongim Park, Kyungho Choi, Sungkyoon Kim
발표 논문: Levels of Markers for Smoking and Oxidative Stress in the Urine of Korean Adults and Children
Hye Ryeong Koo, Na Youn Park, Eun-Hee Lee, Jing Hoan Kim, Cheoljim Moon, Kyungmu Lee, Kyungho Choi, Younglim Kho
발표 논문: Levels of Phenolic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Korean’s Urine determined by LC-MS/MS
Kyungmu Lee, Na Youn Park, Eun-Hee Lee, Kyungho Choi, Younglim Kho
발표 논문: Quantification of malondialdehyde in human urine by HPLC-DAD and derivatization with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine
Boyoung Kim, Chulmin Kim, Sunmi Kim, Kyungho Choi, Na Youn Park, Moon-soo Ko, Younglim Kho
발표 논문: Urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations among pregnant women and their matching newborn infants - CHECK Cohort Study
Sunmi Kim, Jangwoo Lee, Jeongim Pakr, Hai-Joong Kim, Geumjoon Cho, Gun-Ha Kim, So-Hee Eun, Jeong Jae Lee, Gyuyeon Choi, EunSook Suh, Sooran Choi, Sungjoo Kim, Young Don Kim, Sung Koo Kim, Su Young Kim, Seunghyo Kim, Soyong Eom, Hyo-Bang Moon, Sungkyoon Kim, Kyungho Choi
발표 논문: Current levels and exposure sources of seventeen perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in breast milk of Korean women
Habyeong Kang, Haeng-Shin Lee, Do-Hee Kim, Na-Youn Park, Sunmi Kim, Kyungho Choi, Younglim Kho


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