


한국환경보건학회 2015년 봄학술대회

페이지 정보

작성자 환경독성학 작성일15-06-20 22:40 조회488회 댓글0건


개최 국가대한민국

개 최 일: 2015.6.17.-18

주관기관: ()한국환경보건학회, ()환경독성보건학회국립환경과학원제주대학교 의학전문대학원 환경보건센터



발표 논문: Exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in pregnant women and newborn infants and associated endocrine disruption effects

Sunmi Kim, Jeongim Park, Hyo-Bang Moon, Sungkyoon Kim, Kyungho Choi



발표 논문: Bisphenol A analogues disrupt thyroid hormone system in Zebrafish embryo/larvae

Sangwoo Lee , Cheolmin Kim, Hye Soo Shin, Joeun Jung, Jyeun Lee, Dawoon Jung, Kyungho Cho

발표 논문: Thyroid endocrine disruption by alternative flame retardants, TPP, TBB, and TBPH- in vitro and in vivo observations

Sujin Kim, Joeun Jung, Kyungho Choi

(김수진 - 포스터 우수상 수상) 

발표 논문: Oxidative stress and endocrine disruption by short-term per oral exposure to Dechlorane Plus in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Habyeong Kang, Sujin Kim, Hyo-Bang Moon, Kyungho Choi

발표 논문: Environmental risk assessment of ciprofloxacin, fenbendazole, metoprolol, propranolol, and tylosin in water

Gowoon Lee, Sujin Kim, Cheolmin Kim, Seonyeong Lee, Pilje Kim, Kyungho Choi


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